Spray Booths

Product Description:

APCINFRA spray booths are pressure controlled closed environments. To ensure ideal working conditions, these environments are equipped with ventilation fan/s. They assist in the removal of over sprayed paint from the air, which is taken through filters and released back into the environment clean and free from harmful contaminants and volatile components.

Our booths create a negative pressure forcing air to circulate through the filters. This flow conveys the particles of paint suspended in the air to the filters without any dispersion into the environment. The filtration blocks the particles of paint and the air, now purified of solid pigments, is expelled by the fan.


Cabinet SystemPGI materials, optional powder coated
Exhaust Air SystemExe rated axial flow fan for exhaust air
Control SystemPower switch, emergency switch, light switch, fan switch
Filter SystemPaper filter or glass wool filter
LightingPhilips tube 36W each
Multiple models available


These units are generally used for Ventilation for Chemical Stripping of Paint, Spray Painting or Carrying out Minor Spot Repairs.